Primarily technical blog on Lisp, .NET, C# development.

Friday, December 7, 2012

LightSwitch Publish to Azure Issue

This one I got last week, as I was publishing an update for a LightSwitch application, to Azure. I made a change, published, all was good. Then I made some more changes, and when I tried to publish it again, I got this weird error about the authorization header:
Deployment failed : Server failed to authenticate the request. Make sure the value of Authorization header is formed correctly including the signature
After some searching about this error on Google, I found out that this is a somewhat general error that might show up for different reasons. Great! After a lot of reading about the probable causes for the issue, I stumbled on this cryptic last post on one of the several MSDN topics on the subject:
Check your system time. it wrong. Problem solved - Artemov Ivan
Well, I had to check everything, so I went on and checked my clock. I had recently changed my motherboard so I thought there was a good chance my computer clock was messed up. Well, it wasn't. Then, suddenly it occurred to me that the Azure service was probably in an area that entered in daylight saving time. So I went ahead and added an hour to my computer clock, clicked the publish button and voilĂ , got it working! Back to work, then. Thanks, Artemov Ivan. EDIT: It turns out that after reinstalling SqlExpress2008 (I had only SqlExpress2012 installed), the system was finally able to publish without needing this weird computer clock workaround.

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